PMA Management
The PMA Advisory Committee (PMAAC) facilitates a coordinated and integrated approach to the management of the PMA. It comprises the heads of agencies responsible for overseeing the sustainable management of the PMA as well community representatives and organizations involved in nature and heritage conservation and preservation. It's members include:
- Permanent Secretary, Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) Chairperson
- Manager, Protected Areas/PMA, DSD
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Division, DSD
- Saint Lucia National Trust (SLNT)
- National Commission for UNESCO
- Soufriere Marine Management Authority (SMMA)
- Soufriere Regional Development Foundation (SRDF)
- Forestry Divison, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, Natural Resources and Cooperatives
- Department of Physical Planning
- Fond Gens Libres Community
- La Pointe/Delcer Community
PMA Office
The Pitons Management Areas Office was Established in 2006 to:
- Preserve the World Heritage status of the PMA
- Serve as the secretariat for the PMAAC
- Increase community and national awareness of the PMA and build support for its effective management
- Facilitate compliance with guidelines of the 1972 World Heritage Convention and the Physical Planning Act of 2001 and the LAC (2013) for the PMA by monitoring development activities and supporting conservation measures
- Reporting to the World Heritage Committee